YouTube Videos
Queen breeder Cory Stevens of Stevens Bee Co sits down with Optera CEO Kaira Wagoner to discuss UBeeO™ and how it could be a promising tool for other queen breeders. She shares some exciting research results that may have massive benefits for honey bee and native bee health.
Kaira and Dr. Humberto Boncristiani of InsideTheHive.TV chat about the development of UBeeO™ and how it can improve apiary management strategies for beekeepers.
In the News

Kaira was a finalist in the 2023 BioInnovation Institute and Science Prize for Innovation 2023. Her essay on UBeeO™ research and commercialization was published in the April 2023 edition of Science magazine.

Optera was featured in the Spring 2023 edition of the UNCG Research Magazine where we share our journey of building Optera and commericializing UBeeO™.