OPTERA - For Beekeepers, By Beekeepers

Here you will find resources to guide you through the UBeeO™ testing process and ensure you get the most out of your results. If you have a question, be sure to check out our FAQs page or reach out to us directly at hello@opterabees.com.

Calculate your UBeeO™ Scores

A free, online UBeeO™ Score Calculator to check your UBeeO™ scores.

Download the step-by-step UBeeO™ User Guide

A printed version of the UBeeO™ User Guide comes with your purchase of a UBeeO Kit. Download the digital guide to prepare ahead of UBeeO™ testing!

Download the UBeeO™ Score Sheet

Log the T0 and T2 capped cell counts for all of your test colonies and automatically calculate the UBeeO™ Score using the UBeeO™ Score Sheet Calculator. Save this data sheet along with your T0/T2 photos to a hard drive to track progress over many seasons.

Download the UBeeO™ Safety Data Sheets

Digital versions of the UBeeO™ Testing Solution and the UBeeO™ Cleaning Solution Safety Data Sheets

Connect with the UBeeO Community

Visit BeeSource and our UBeeO™ Testers Facebook Group to share tips on UBeeO testing, data management, selective breeding, and more!
